About Us
ValueInMind is a financial and career education platform that was founded by Spark Liang in 2019.
We are committed to becoming one of the most comprehensive financial and professional learning platforms available in the market via our online and offline courses so we could empower more individuals around the world with financial literacy as well as the mindsets they would need to succeed professionally.
Since our inception in 2019, we have assisted more than 15,000 individuals coming from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau, China, Australia and the United Kingdom pursue as well as achieve their financial and professional goals through our courses.

To assist 1 million individuals achieve financial success by empowering them with financial literacy
To free our graduates from conventional financial struggles so they can realise their dreams

Transform Your Life, Secure Your Future

Spark Liang
Founder of ValueInMind
As an adult, whenever you get stuck in life, be it financially or professionally, who do you turn to first?
I’d assume, you look to your parents or someone elderly or your peers for advice, right?
And the conversation either ends up as a two-hour long “this-is-how-i-do-it” storytelling session or a one-sided coaching session. No doubt, some are great advice, but there just isn’t any solid action plan you could instantly implement to better your life.
[bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#009bff” expand_text=”Read More” collapse_text=”Read Less”]So, you turn to professionals, hoping they could give you something more actionable, only to realise that their opinions were often biased because they wanted to sell you their products or services.
Isn’t there a simpler, more straightforward method to get the answers you want? Why didn’t schools teach us what actually matters?
Adulting could’ve been less of a grapple if we were prepared for what’s to come.
I get your struggles. I’ve been there and I was as frustrated as you.
So I decided to take things into my own hands.
I decided to learn everything I needed to learn on my own. So I read books. I attended courses. I spent hours and hours churning and testing these knowledge that I’ve learnt.
There were mistakes made, but there were achievements accomplished too.
Then, I began to notice that more and more of my friends are beginning to approach me and ask me for advice, both for personal finance related and career related matters. That’s when the idea hit me. Why not find a way to share all I’ve learnt with everyone who’s struggling like I did?
That’s when I founded ValueInMind Academy.
I want to close the gap that our education system has left open. I want to teach what actually matters – skills and knowledge that will actually change lives. I want to maximise the potential of every human being on this earth so they can achieve both financial and professional success early in their life.
And that’s what ValueInMind is set out to do.[/bg_collapse]
Why ValueInMind?

Level up your mindset, level up your value of time
Financial literacy and career literacy are the keys to liberating the ordinary people from the rat race. Yet, these vital skills were neither taught in school or passed on to us from our parents. Not to mention, some of us never even have the luxury to hear of these two terms. That’s where ValueInMind comes in. We are not just here to spoon feed you with a blueprint to success. We are here to break conventional beliefs you hold about achieving success. We are here to unset and reset your mindset for something bigger in your life.
Ultimately, it is your mindset that sets your future, aside from the action you put into it. Eventually, your time value follows through with a level up when your mindset goes through a level up.
Your best learning partner
At ValueInMind, we want to make learning easy for you. Nothing should ever stand in your way to knowledge. So, we have done all we can to remove every possible obstacle that is blocking your path to learning. You no longer need to shift your work schedule around to fit your learning schedule. You no longer need to rush out of work to attend a class that is a half an hour drive away. Because of technology – hail, our online classes!
Now, you can learn anywhere, anytime. Plus, besides text-based materials, there are also podcasts and animated videos to make your learning experience a wholesome one.

Our People
Spark Liang
Eugene K.
Yong Y. S.

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